selling your business

Due Diligence 101

Due Diligence 101

Many times owners don’t know how to do a proper valuation or go through the process of due diligence. Taking the time to analyze all financial reports and legal documents will put a seller in a better position for selling the business. Get to know what due diligence is from this blog.

Mistakes to Avoid When Selling Your Business

Mistakes to Avoid When Selling Your Business

The process of selling a business can take time, especially during this economic crisis, transaction deals are taking longer since people are trying to protect their assets and maximize revenues as much as they can. Read more about the mistakes to avoid when selling your business.

Selling Your Company to a Strategic Buyer

Selling Your Company to a Strategic Buyer

As businesses grow in the market, business owners start to create more plans for the future and should have a plan on what their exit strategy will be. Many businesses might consider selling to a strategic buyer, but before doing this there are several things they should consider.